Another amusing bug

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at
Sun Aug 25 17:20:05 UTC 2013

The mei kernel module has been killing folks for a long time
now, and they can't seem to fix it:

Meanwhile, I still can't find out what the heck the
mei module is actually good for.

All the doc files and web pages are filled to the brim
with words that are concatenated together into correctly
formed sentences, yet somehow manage to convey no
actual information :-).

Given that, I've had to develop my own theory:

The mei module is actually the primary back door
for the NSA to access linux systems. Why else would
they go to so much trouble to generate so much obfuscated
non-documentation for it?

This theory seems to make far more sense than any of
the web pages that talk about mei. (And "mei" and
"nsa" are both 3 characters long - highly suspicious :-).

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