Video is slow

Joe Zeff joe at
Mon Aug 26 00:09:39 UTC 2013

On 08/25/2013 04:48 PM, Roger wrote:
> Took the plunge and following the above installed kmod-nvidia now Fedora
> boot hangs at  Started Accounts Service
> I also note that it fails to start ISDN service?
> Pretty much dead and can't access anything.
> Help is greatly appreciated thanks.
> Writing this from Ubuntu.
> thanks in advance

First, if it's hanging during boot, you can sometimes use ^ALT-F2 to get 
to an alternate terminal and log in as root.  Either that, or edit the 
boot options from Grub to add a 3 to the last line.  (Going down to the 
line that starts with the word echo and using the left arrow to go up to 
the end of the preceding line is probably easiest.)  This will get you 
into a CLI environment, if all goes properly.  Once you're logged in as 
root, you can simply mask the ISDN service if you're not using it.

Second, just installing kmod-nvidia isn't quite enough; you also need to 
install xorg-drv-nvidia.lib.  Your best bet, probably, is to follow the 
instructions here: 
and don't worry about the fact that the thread's title doesn't mention 
F18 or F19.  Just follow the instructions exactly, reboot and all should 
be well.

Note that it also gives instructions for installing akmod-nvidia, which 
will rebuild the kmod whenever there's a kernel update.  Personally, I 
have both installed.  That way, if the new kernel and kmod are both 
ready together, it gets done that way; if there's a delay on the kmod, 
akmod-nvidia will pick up the slack and build you one when you reboot 
into the new kernel.

I've been using the kmod/akmod combination on my desktop for a number of 
years, across several nVidia cards, and never had the slightest bit of 
trouble with it.  YMMV, of course, but if everything fails, it's not 
hard to back out of, and you don't have to remember to do it manually 
every time there's a kernel update as you do if you simply install the 
binary blob directly from the OEM.

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