Video is slow

Joe Zeff joe at
Mon Aug 26 05:12:34 UTC 2013

On 08/25/2013 09:21 PM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
> While I respect Joe Zeff as a reputable member of this list, those
> instructions on fedoraforum are a total piece of crap. I don't know who
> wrote those instructions, but overengineering a solution for a common
> problem is a always a Recipe For Disaster(tm).

Don't forget that some of them were written for newcomers who may or may 
not know if their card's even supported.  Once you have rpmfusion set 
up, all you really need to do is have yum install kmod-nvidia, the xorg 
files that it needs, run dracut and reboot.  (Using akmod, of course, 
gives you a slightly different set of files.)  Most of the complexity 
comes from the author having to take all sorts of possibilities into 
account; as a user, you just pick the set of instructions that matches 
you card.  I've never yet had them fail, but I have read posts on that 
forum where others have; usually, they've either picked the wrong set of 
files to install or didn't follow the instructions correctly.  YMMV, and 
obviously does, but everything I've seen, both personally and through 
threads on fedoraforum lead me to believe that they're about as good a 
set of instructions as you're likely to find.

BTW, Marco, do you have a link to a set of instructions you find better? 
  If so, I'd be interested in looking at them and possibly pointing 
others to them instead in the future.

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