Copy-pasting without transferring format

Steven Stern subscribed-lists at
Fri Aug 30 15:15:44 UTC 2013

On 08/30/2013 10:11 AM, Oliver Ruebenacker wrote:
>      Hello,
>   I would like to be able to copy-paste text without transferring the
> format. I'm using F19 with KDE.
>   Currently, when I copy-paste (between Firefox, LibreOffice, etc),
> formatting like font, font size and font attributes get also copied and
> pasted. But I am looking for a way to copy-paste such that the format of
> the original text is discarded and instead the format of the target
> document is used, as if I had typed the text on the keyboard.
>   (My wife uses the following trick on Windows: copy-paste text into
> URL-field of the browser, then copy-paste from URL-field to destination).

Try a right click and see if there's a "paste without formatting"
option. It depends on the receiving application.  If not, keep a copy of
your favorite text editor open and use that as a mid-point.

-- Steve

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