Fedora 19 packages on F20

Ranjan Maitra maitra.mbox.ignored at inbox.com
Thu Dec 19 06:42:35 UTC 2013

Off a fresh install of F20 because upgrade did not work spectacularly,
I noticed that there are a number of F19 packages (including some from
rpmfusion) on my machine.

a52dec.x86_64                   0.7.4-18.fc19
@rpmfusion-free bouncycastle-tsp.noarch
1.46-6.fc19                      @fedora
emacs-common-ess.noarch         12.09-3.fc19
@fedora emacs-ess.noarch
12.09-3.fc19                     @fedora
gstreamer-plugins-espeak.x86_64 0.4.0-2.fc19
@fedora/$releasever lame-libs.x86_64
3.99.5-2.fc19                    @rpmfusion-free
libdca.x86_64                   0.0.5-7.fc19
@rpmfusion-free libmad.x86_64
0.15.1b-16.fc19                  @rpmfusion-free
pdftk.x86_64                    1.44-11.fc19
@fedora pymetar.noarch
0.14-9.fc19                      @fedora
vcdimager.x86_64                0.7.24-6.fc19
@rpmfusion-free vcdimager-libs.x86_64
0.7.24-6.fc19                    @rpmfusion-free

Why so? I especially care about emacs-common, emacs-ess and
pdftk and the compat-gcc-***


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