CentOS HowTos

Timothy Murphy gayleard at alice.it
Tue Dec 31 00:00:40 UTC 2013

On Monday, December 30, 2013 03:38:46 PM Robert Moskowitz wrote:

> > I collect email on my server from various (remote) mail-servers.
> > This is then processed by postfix/amavis/clamav/spamassassin .
> > Spam is marked by addition of [SPAM] or ***Spam*** to the Subject header,
> > as well as addition of several other headers.
> > 
> > As I understand it, the email is then passed through dovecot(?),
> > to ~/Maildir/cur/ .
> > 
> > This must be a standard setup.
> > So how normally is spam dealt with, at this stage?
> > What is the norm?

> I strongly doubt there is a norm.  :)
> But the howtos on amavis (which integrates clamav), show how it can do
> all sorts of things with spam.  What helped me a lot was:
> http://campworld.net/thewiki/pmwiki.php/LinuxServersCentOS/Cent6VirtMailServ
> er

Thank you for your response.
I looked at the above document, but as far as I can see it said nothing
to answer my query, namely, how is spam email marked as spam
by the addition of the header
  X-Spam-Flag: YES
normally filtered into a Spam folder,
preferably by dovecot, but possibly earlier by amavis or postfix?

> What I do, is tag the spam and let my emailer (thunderbird) deal with
> it.  The problem with dropping spam, is what if it is not? Being able to
> do a search on Junk and finding something that I really needed, has made
> me put up with > 500 spams per day.

I guess if the spam is filtered to a Spam folder it could be looked at there,
if necessary.
I could certainly filter out the spam in KMail on my laptop,
but it seems preferable to me to do this on my home server, if possible.

I'm surprised you suggest there may be no norm.
Surely this is something anyone running dovecot (or similar)
must need to do?
I'm really puzzled by the fact that none of the CentOS documentation
I have looked at deals with what seems to me a rather important step
in processing email.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/ eircom.net
School of Mathematics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland

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