Thunderbird newbie

Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Sun Feb 3 22:18:09 UTC 2013

Am 03.02.2013 23:08, schrieb Ed Greshko:

> As a long time Tbird user I rarely use the menu.  

and i use it each day very often
extras -> aplly filters to folder

because it was more important to hide the menu, include a chat
or mangle the account setup to death than multiselect folders
and aplly manually filters on them (move sieve filtered messages
to local folders)

but that is not the problem - the real problem has shown up in this thread:
it needs a lot of useless mails on a list to get a new user to basics

> Also, I use Tbird in a VNC connection on my tablet.  
> With the menu hidden  I get a couple more lines

fine, disable the menubar

but that is no valid reason hide anything from no users as
it is modern and years later cry why they all never learned
anything more than basics after  make it harder and harder
for them

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