Custom Partition Fedora 18

Joe Zeff joe at
Mon Feb 18 20:33:45 UTC 2013

On 02/18/2013 12:04 PM, jonc wrote:
> On 02/18/2013 01:59 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
>> On 02/18/2013 03:31 AM, Tom Horsley wrote:
>>> In fact FOSS has no way to tell if the passionate advocates of
>>> nonsense like Gnome 3 are actually in the pay of evil corporate
>>> giants who want to see Linux destroyed and are deliberately
>>> inventing the worst possible systems (as long as we are mentioning
>>> things we can't know :-).
>> Yes; astroturfing is always hard to spot.  BTW, I saw another term for
>> people who do that last night on TV: Cybershills.  Has anybody else
>> run across this term or is it new.
> Are people actually paranoid enough to think someone is paying people to
> praise Gnome 3?

I can't speak for anybody else, but I'm not.  If there's astroturfing 
going on (and I'm not saying that there is) it's either being done by 
Gnome devs or by known advocates using fake names to make it look like 
various random Linux users are praising Gnome 3.

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