desktop search in Fedora - what's best?

Frantisek Hanzlik franta at
Sun Feb 24 00:09:47 UTC 2013

Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 23.02.2013 22:59, schrieb Dave Stevens:
>> I've upgraded my Fedora from F9 to F14 with preupgrade and am now
>> planning a new hard drive install and a fresh Fedora install
> and why in the world are you upragding only to F14? nobody here cares
> about F14 because F17 is the latest supported release

You must speak for oneself, Reindl. I myself still run several F14
boxes and so far I do not want upgrade them, simply for several
- they are quite stable, much more than F16+ ones (F15 was rather
unusable, I almost avoid it).
- they works as I want, not as wind blows (yes, have you someone tried
e.g. switch to runlevel 1 and then back to runlevel 5 (oops, ;)
- they use stable pretty Gnome2 WM
- they act as LTSP (Linux Terminal Server Project) servers (which
seems dead with F15+)

Of course, some drawback is that F14 isn't supported yet and I have
package some important packages itself, but this isn't too big
problem. And yes, if I had know 2 years back how will be next Fedora
development take, then I should have at these boxes Centos or some
*buntu distro (where is LTSP supported well).

As rather optimist, I hope F19 will be at least so good as F14 was.

Franta Hanzlik

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