Missing Functionality in New Anaconda

Tom Horsley horsley1953 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 01:43:00 UTC 2013

On Wed, 23 Jan 2013 20:26:24 -0500
Doug wrote:

> I'm not familiar with Fedora, but it seems logical that you could
> set up the partitions you want using GParted, format the ones
> you want formatted, and then not let Fedora mess with the
> partitions at all--just install to those that are there already.

That might seem logical, but logic didn't seem to play any
part in the design of the parts of anaconda that purport
to have something to do with partitioning.

I did indeed install on partitions I setup manually outside
of anaconda, but I did it by installing in a virtual machine
then copying the virtual machine disk image to my desired
root partition and fixing the grub config to change the
UUIDs and other disk references:


There is no way I would let an interface that won't let
you discover what it plans to do install on my system
(and will only indirectly let you ask it to do something -
it is sort of like playing billards - you have to setup
elaborate bank shots and hope the ball falls in the
right partition).

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