F19: after upgrading I cant't login from gdm

Corinna Vinschen fedora at cygwin.de
Wed Jul 3 08:07:45 UTC 2013

On Jul  2 22:34, antonio montagnani wrote:
> After fedup'ing I have a fully updated system but surprise I cannot
> login, after the password insertion of any user I get a blank screen
> with the fedora log on the bottom, and nothing happens.

I had an analogue problem after yum distro-sync.  After logging in to
kdm, I just got the kdm desktop background and a mouse pointer I could
push around, but nothing else.

Looking into ps output, I saw that the usual xfce4 processes were
running, they were just not visible on the desktop for some magic
reason.  Per the log entries everything has run fine, no error message
at all.

I did the update with SELinux disabled and SELinux was still disabled
when this occured.  I also set SELinux to enforced and rebooted, which
relabled everything, but the problem persisted and there was nothing
pointing to an SELinux problem in the logs either.

I don't know if that helps in your case, but here's how I fixed it.

My login shell is tcsh.  In my .login file I had three entries to set
the tmp dir to ~/tmp:

  setenv TMP ~/tmp
  setenv TEMP ~/tmp
  setenv TMPDIR ~/tmp

At one point digging in the net, I read something about trouble when
some application couldn't write to /tmp.  So I had the crazy idea to
disable the above entries in my .login and I even removed the ~/tmp
directory entirely.

After init 3/init 5 (yes, I know), the next login worked as expected, my
xfce4 desktop showed up and the problem was fixed.

Next morning I thought it might be a good idea to write a bug report, so
I created ~/tmp again and enabled the above three environment vars in
.login, but it didn't help.  The xfce4 desktop still started normally.
I'm not able to reproduce the issue anymore.


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