OpenJDK packaging bug in Fedora 19

Chris Adams linux at
Thu Jul 11 19:09:26 UTC 2013

Once upon a time, Joe Zeff <joe at> said:
> On 07/11/2013 11:41 AM, Chris Adams wrote:
> >IMHO that would make things even easier to
> >figure out; "rpm -qf /usr/bin/java" would list all the packages that can
> >"claim" java.
> Would it, or would it just find the first one and stop?  I'm asking
> because I don't know enough about how rpm handles such things,
> although I do agree that it *should* work the way you say.

You can also have shared files, when the contents, ownership, and
permissions on the files match, and rpm will list all matches.  I can't
think of an example off the top of my head, but I know I've seen it in
the past.

Oh, one example is multilib (and I don't believe this behavior is

$ rpm -qf /usr/share/doc/glibc-2*/README

Chris Adams <linux at>

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