Disabling ipv6

Chris Adams linux at cmadams.net
Fri Jul 12 14:33:41 UTC 2013

Once upon a time, Fernando Lozano <fernando at lozano.eti.br> said:
> IPv6 has alot of "under the carpet" issues because vendors fear too
> much discussion about this will delay large-scale use even more.

Again: citation needed.  Without any actual issues sited, you are just
spreading FUD.

> I propose we let the billion dollars companies do the hard work, but
> at the same protect SMBs from IPv6. The Fedora Project could do
> their part by disabling IPv6 by default.

Again, you are years too late.  Fedora would be greatly regressing (and
falling far behind mainstream OSes) by disabling IPv6.

> Please see my message providing links about IPv6 security threats,
> including recent slides (this year!) from IETF members. I do my
> homework before making statements on the net.

I took a look at a couple, but just saw more FUD and stopped.
Chris Adams <linux at cmadams.net>

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