Schr?dinger?s Cat

lee lee at
Mon Jul 15 01:19:40 UTC 2013

Ian Malone <ibmalone at> writes:

> I like the Strunk and White recommendation which is "'s" for names
> except those that have historically used "s'".

Historically, it's "Schrödingers Katze", i. e. neither "s'", nor "s's".
He was from Austria and has been living for some time in Germany[1], so
he probably spoke German.  Austrias official language is German[2].

The distinction between "Schrödingers'" and "Schrödingers" doesn't exist
in that language.  We'd have to look at a quote from him to figure out
which one it might be.

Would it do any harm if I changed /etc/fedora-release to
"... (Schrödingers Katze)"?


Fedora release 19 (Schrödinger’s Cat)

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