sssd for /boot?

lee lee at
Wed Jul 17 04:53:25 UTC 2013

Bill Davidsen <davidsen at> writes:

> Take a look at the lifetime of a decent SSD, and how many years it
> would take to hit MTBF.

You can get spinning disks and SSDs with an MTBF of 1.5 million hours,
so they should last about 170 years ...

How long does it actually take?  For spinning disks, I expect them to
fail after three years, consider myself lucky when they don't and the
disks older than that with increased suspicion.  Strangely, when they
get well over three years, they might not fail at all before they are
being replaced by larger or faster ones.

An SSD that doesn't get much written to could last a lot longer because
it doesn't have the mechanical wear --- they might have something else
that fails, though.  I'll consider them if my current boot disks fail

Fedora release 19 (Schrödinger’s Cat)

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