install /boot with encrypted partition

J.Witvliet at J.Witvliet at
Wed Jul 17 08:54:52 UTC 2013

It is supposed to be working... (see below)

-----Original Message-----
From: users-bounces at [mailto:users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Roberto Ragusa
Sent: Monday, July 15, 2013 7:15 PM
To: Community support for Fedora users
Subject: Re: install /boot with encrypted partition

On 07/15/2013 01:13 PM, J.Witvliet at wrote:

> Are you sure about that?
> Afaicr grub2 was supposed to be able to have /boot inside the encrypted area.
> (there still remains some unencrypted disk-blocks though)

This is the first time I hear that, and I wonder what kind of messy hack
that would have to be.

A separate /boot with kernels, initramfs, memtest86+, looks like a
saner approach.
The encrypted part will happily contain everything else (the system, your data,
the swap, including the hibernation data).

-----Original Message-----

The solution with separate /boot, and everything else in an LUKS encrypted LVM, works long time, even with grub-legacy.

The biggest problem is for (automated) installers. Just like the trick with putting /boot in a logical volume.
Afaicr, that is a trick you also have to do manually.

The msg triggered me in googling about the subject, and on my archive on grub2.
Even though Google turned up some results, the referring links were dead :-(

So I asked the grub2 developpers, they said:
"You need core.img that contains crypto modules (and of course mounts encrypted partition as prefix). If you are using grub-install, set GRUB_CRYPTODISK_ENABLE=y and it should just work. core.img itself cannot be encrypted for obvious reasons and should be embedded in post-MBR gap outside of encrypted partition on BIOS platform. On EFI it is in ESP anyway."

And they seem quite confident that it works:
"This really belongs to grub-help unless you have evidence that it does not work."

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