unstable libreoffice

lee lee at yun.yagibdah.de
Tue Jul 23 11:14:14 UTC 2013

Robert Holtzman <holtzm at cox.net> writes:

> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 02:44:07AM +0200, lee wrote:
>> Robert Holtzman <holtzm at cox.net> writes:
>> > There are thousands of people using it right now with great
>> > satisfaction. If you haven't checked to see what has been fixed you
>> > aren't entitled to make that statement.
>> It turned out to be incredibly buggy, and the devs seemed to be more
>> interested in implementing new features than in fixing bugs.  Just give
>> it some time and don't be surprised when it crashes; what's the problem
>> with that?  We do not know what these "thousands of people" use it for
>> and what it takes to satisfy them, so what.
> I would say, that with the size of the user base, requirements would be
> quite varied.

Is there any certain information about how many people are using it?

> Out of curiosity, why post this to the fedora list and not the LO list?
> Try it and see what replies you get.

The OP posted here.  You can post on their list any time; I already did.
The list was difficult to get rid of because they didn't even manage to
get unsubscribing to work.  Just look at all the top posters and the
HTML junk in that list and you get an impression of what kind of people
are using LO.

Someone on that list really tried to help me, that's how I found more
and more bugs, without making any progress towards what I needed to
do.  Some of what I needed to do wasn't even possible with programming.
Who knows, perhaps over time they might even fix pasting and the scroll
bar in LO ...

Or maybe they did?  Can you finally have the scroll bar on the left?
Can you now make it the default to paste the text only?  Can you
configure it so that pasting pastes where the cursor is rather than
where the mouse pointer happens to be?  These aren't even bugs, only
simple usability issues.

Fedora release 19 (Schrödinger’s Cat)

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