F19: Creative Labs [SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio] CA0110-IBG - no sound in headphones

Mateusz Marzantowicz mmarzantowicz at osdf.com.pl
Sun Jul 28 08:19:09 UTC 2013


I'm fighting with my sound card, which is X-Fi Xtreme Audio (Creative
Labs [SB X-Fi Xtreme Audio] CA0110-IBG). Everything but headphones works
perfectly. When jack is plugged correctly, headphones are identified and
shown in GNOME sound applet, but there is no sound. When jack is plugged
partially (I think connectors are swapped by one), I hear the sound but
headphones are not present in sound applet.

Everything worked in Fedora 17 so it might be some regression

Mateusz Marzantowicz

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