The state of blu-ray burning in linux is terrible

Richard Shaw hobbes1069 at
Mon Jul 29 02:42:03 UTC 2013

DISCLAIMER: Yes I'm whining, but hopefully someone who wants to user their
BD writer will find this useful...

Well I thought I would try to make my first blu-ray movie from some home
movies instead of down converting them to DVD like I have been... Only to
find out not only is it currently laborious process, it's actually
technically impossible for FOSS.

The laborious part is trying to get it into the right format (x264 with
very specific settings and separate audio file), but even if you manage
that part, there's no UDF 2.5 write support in linux. If you're lucky, you
BD player may not care.

No problem, I'll worry about that later, I'll just burn a backup of my
pictures that were getting to hard to backup on DVD's....

Put in disc... Check!
Detected in Brasero... Check!
"copy" into new data project... Check!

ejects immediately with no helpful error message...

... skip some time spent googling only to get really mad about the whole
cdrkit vs. cdrtools debacle...
... skip spending time getting cdrtools 3.01 to build ...

I'm still working on getting the kinks out of that... conflicts with
several cdrkit packages (genisoimage, wodim, icedax)

Ok! Last resort, do it the PITA way...

$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/bdimage.udf bs=2048 count=12219392
$ mkudffs bdimage.udf
# sudo mount -t udf -o loop bdimage /mnt/disc

currently copying files into the image file... HOPEFULLY brasero will at
least burn the image...

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