Wow did I screw up! How can I fix this? (SOLVED)

Anthony lists at
Sun Jun 2 20:48:57 UTC 2013

On 06/02/2013 11:30 AM, Mark LaPierre wrote:
> On 06/02/2013 12:06 AM, Anthony wrote:
>> On 06/01/2013 10:00 PM, Rex Dieter wrote:
>>> Anthony wrote:
>>>> A little while ago, I tried to install Google Earth. It told
>>>> me there was a file conflict so I forced it. Then, I decided
>>>> I didn't want it and uninstalled it. Now, my external USB
>>>> hard disk isn't mounting and I can't make it mount at all.
>>> You could try:
>>> yum reinstall filesystem
>>> (it's the filesystem pkg google earth rpm has conflicts with)
>> Never mind. Just uplugged and replugged the drive and it showed
>> up again. Thanks!!
>> Anthony
> Hey Anthony,
> Could you state clearly what you did to resolve this issue?
> Did you "yum reinstall filesystem"?

Sorry about that! In my excitement I didn't exactly give a lot of
details on how this got resolved.

I did a "yum reinstall filesystem" then physically disconnected the
drive and connected it again. That did not work. So I restarted the
system and again physically disconnected and reconnected the drive.
Then, my drive showed up and mounted properly. It has been working
fine ever sense.

> It would be good if you put (SOLVED) on the end of the subject line
> so that those who later search the mail archive can more easily
> find the solution.

Good point. Done on this email :-)

Anthony Papillion
Phone:   1.918.533.9699
SIP:     sip:cajuntechie at
iNum:    +883510008360912
XMPP:    cypherpunk38 at

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