update from 17 to 18 failed

lee lee at yun.yagibdah.de
Mon Jun 10 23:43:26 UTC 2013

Reindl Harald <h.reindl at thelounge.net> writes:

> Am 10.06.2013 16:34, schrieb lee:
>>> This is exactly what `yum distro-sync` is supposed to do.  Figuring
>>> out why it's unhappy is the first step to getting your system back
>>> into working order.
>> Maybe there's nothing to sync because yum figures this is Fedora 18?
> distro-sync does not care if it is Fedora 18
> hecne the releasever=18 is only to switch to a specific
> repo version and ignore /etc/redhat-release and that is
> why you should "yum clean all" before use it to get rid
> of old metainfos ending up in a mix
> distro-sync is supposed to upgrade/downgrade all packages to the exact
> versions in the online-repos and in case you had updates-testing
> enabled as example the way to go to revert this in a predictable way

Ok, let's try this:

| [root at yun etc]# yum clean all
| [root at yun etc]# yum distro-sync
| [...]
| No Packages marked for Distribution Synchronization
| [root at yun etc]#

It's always been saying that, so I doubt that this acutally syncs.

| [root at yun etc]# yum list installed |grep fc17
| NetworkManager-gtk.x86_64           1: installed
| [...]

For example, is this version of networkmanager-gtk in Fedora 18?  This
package is not installed in a version labled fc18.  So I guess I could
remove it, but why doesn't distro-sync do that?

Now I removed it, without any dependencies showing up, so it's kinda
obvious that it shouldn't be installed anymore, and distro-sync should
have removed it already.

| [root at yun etc]# yum list available "NetworkManager-gtk*"
| [...]
| Error: No matching Packages to list

So what's distro-sync doing?

Fedora 17.8

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