
Joe Zeff joe at
Sat Jun 15 20:17:03 UTC 2013

On 06/15/2013 12:21 PM, lee wrote:
> Well, I usually don't do that, so what's the point in running this
> service all the time?

Once your hardware's going bad it may be too late to start it, and 
having it always running may help you learn (if it matters) when things 
started going bad.  (You may have thought you had a software issue, and 
finding that it's hardware can keep you from trying to track down a 
non-problem.)  Even if your system isn't bootable any more, you may be 
able to extract forensics from your hard drive that can help you 
pinpoint what's happened.  Think of it as the equivalent of having 
security cameras in a store; most of the time, there's nothing important 
in the tapes, but you keep them running anyway.

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