
Reindl Harald h.reindl at
Sun Jun 30 18:31:42 UTC 2013

*please* reply also to the list!

i do *not* see a reason why *one* random domain
like would be
important enough to downgrade amajor browser
to a version with a *lot* of  known security bugs

why do you not report the problem to whoever
is using this CDN?

Am 30.06.2013 20:24, schrieb Patrick Dupre:
> Here is what I get with firefox 22:
> A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.
> Script:
>>>> Am 29.06.2013 18:28, schrieb Patrick Dupre:
>>>>> I am still experiencing toubles with firefox 22 when I browse some web sites
>>>> *what* problems
>>>> *what* websites
>>>>> I was trying to downgrade to firefox 20, but I cannot find firefox-20.0-5.fc18.x86_64.rpm
>>>>> on
>>>>> (firefox-20.0-5.fc18.x86_64.rpm was not found on this server).
>>>>> Where can I get it?
>>>> no idea why you insist in FF 20 and not 21 but why do you
>>>> not simply take a non-removed package, they newwer
>>>> builds most likely removed for a reason
>>> It is the same issue with firefox 21!
>>> 20 is OK
>> *what* issue
>> *what* website
>> hence i am web-developer and i have no idea what a stupid
>> idiot needs to do to break his website for recent browsers

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