fixing a full overlay file on LiveCD

Fernando Cassia fcassia at
Tue Mar 19 19:37:24 UTC 2013

When booting a LiveCD with persistant storage, the so-called casper
file or loop device.

The problem is that when it fills up, instead of becoming read-only
gracefully, it becomes corrupted and you lose access to all data you
had there, unless you follow a somewhat convoluted procedure -which
involves hex editing the loop storage file to remove the corrupted

It is explained here (check the last few messages on the thread):

So, following my -still unanswered last time I checked- request about
a Linux distro that implements read-write F2FS access to the pen
drive, I have to ask: has anyone coded the manual recovery procedure
outlined in the above url into a tool or bash script that an end user
can run without messing with hex editors?

I have an old F16 pen drive with had persistant storage until I filled
the drive and lost access to all contents of the persisence file...

Now all I get when booting with the persistant option is
/dev/mapper/live-rw can' t read superblock
about a dozen times which matches the symptoms outlined above.


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