[OT] Failure to boot .... This could happen to you.

Len Philpot len at philpot.org
Thu May 16 03:10:29 UTC 2013

On 05/15/2013 at 08:41 PM, Ed Greshko <Ed.Greshko at greshko.com> wrote:

>It took a bit of time, but I finally tracked down the problem to the DVI
> which had been chewed on by one of my cats.  (Doing dental impressions now
> find the culprit.)  Replaced cable, all is well.  Need to wrap my cables in 
> chain mail.  :-)

s/could/has/  :-)

Not a DVI cable, but the charger cable for my Android tablet, a cordless phone
charger cable (twice), a mouse cable and virtually every other small non-AC
cable behind my computer(s). They're all now covered up.

On the other side of coin, the responsible feline tom is crippled from birth,
with only 2.5 legs (give or take), so it's pretty difficult to get too mad at

Len Philpot
len at philpot.org

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