Out of curiosity

Reindl Harald h.reindl at thelounge.net
Sat Nov 2 00:31:33 UTC 2013

Am 02.11.2013 01:20, schrieb Roger:
> Why, when installing a new app do we need to also install the -libs and the -devel 
> if the app is needed to make another app work

you do not need any devel-package if you do not compile software from source
if you think so post specific output about what you are talking

> Why cannot -libs be part of the installation if they are that important to the operation

they are part of the installation by dependencies

> Why are -devel, which I'm guessing are development files for the app needed, 
> does this mean the app is bar minimum and cannot be used when required by 
> another app

about which devel-packages do you talk?

on our whole production servers there are only *two* devel
packages and not more which are unhappy packaging


> Sorry if I seem confused, Just trying to get a handle on the situation

the situation is simple:

* you do not need devel-packages as user
* if something pulls them it's a apackageing error -> make a bugreport
* the "libs" packages are shared libraries
* example mysql: you do not need "mysql-server" on a client machine
  but you need "mysql-libs" for any application talking to a remote
  or local mysql server or to be precise /usr/lib64/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.18
  and /usr/lib64/mysql/libmysqlclient.so.18.0.0 which are the shared client
* the mysql-example macths to nearly any package

[harry at srv-rhsoft:~]$ rpm -qa | grep flac
[harry at srv-rhsoft:~]$

no need for "flac" or "flac-devel" because "soundconverter" only needs the libraries
and brings it's own executebale sharing the flac code which this way exists only
once on the whole machine independent how many applications are useing it


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