Fedora 19 screensaver

Roger arelem at bigpond.com
Wed Oct 23 22:44:37 UTC 2013

Since updating last week the Fedora 19 screensaver is causing me grief.
I have it off and time delay set to never but it blanks the screen and 
defaults to a time display after 30+ minutes , on any key press it gives 
the login dialog which cannot be accessed either by tab key or mouse so 
there is no way to log in.
Ctrl Alt F2 gives me a new user I log in as me and startx to bring up 
gnome then shut down and restart.

Googling shows it's difficult to get rid of the screensaver.

That's half the problem and raises a peripheral question.

I am developing an app on Heroku. Have had access until Tuesday evening 
at which time starting heroku produces 30 of the below errors. Same in 
accessing Heroku logs.

Error:       SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server key 
exchange B: EC lib (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) (Excon::Errors::SocketError)
  /home/Desktop/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p0/gems/excon-0.16.10/lib/excon/connection.rb:364:in `new'

To the question:
Because access to desktop fails due to faulty screensaver, I did a Crtl 
Alt F2 to a fresh login, startx to bring up the desktop.
In a terminal  typed the commands to start heroku and got the above error/s.

Can it be that in starting a new login and desktop it messed up access 
to ssh keys and could this be the cause of the heroku error regime.
If so what can be done to resolve the issue?
If not, what then? I have posted on Github as heroku requires.
I note on Github there are an increasing number of similar complaints 
and google is rife with these also.

What's the difference if any between my pc's ssh keys and the rsa-keygen 
keys? in the .ssh directory?
I generated a new rsa.pub key and entered that in Heroku but it did not 
resolve the issue.

I'm most curious about this and how to guard against it for the future.

Thank you in advance

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