ssh portforwarding, running test client/server over tunnel

bruce badouglas at
Fri Sep 13 23:58:02 UTC 2013


Trying to setup a quick test to create a ssh tunnel between A and B,
and running a test nc server over the ssh connection on port 7100..

As far as I can tell, it should be a matter of setting up the port
forwarding between A and B and then running the test server/client on
the A and B machines..

now, the tricky part, the target "B" machine is being run on a VM, so
the port isn't 22..

I used the following to setup the port forwarding:

ssh -L  7100:  user at -p 50122
so being on machine A, the local machine, I setup the ssh tunnel into
machine B, where B is the VM, running ssh over port 50122

this part appears to work.

However, when I then run a test nc server on both machines using port
7100, I get the following:

machine B:
nc -l 7100

machine A
nc localhost 7100

which causes the machine B to display a crash!!!!
>>>channel 3: open failed: connect failed: Connection refused <<<

any ideas/thoughts???

I'm ultimately looking to run a gearman server running on port X and
being able to create a ssh tunnel into the server to access the port.


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