installing joomla /and now/ setting up directory

Roger arelem at
Tue Sep 17 02:24:55 UTC 2013

Ugh...  Make special areas (whether they be virtual hosts, or writable 
areas, etc.) outside of the tree.  By way of example, you don't want 
someone to be able to navigate into a virtual host by simply appending 
the directory name to the end of some other website address.

I set up /public_html in my user space as per
/httpd.conf has:
NameVirtualHost *.80

<VirtualHost *.80>
     ServerAdmin webmaster at domain1.ek
     DirectoryIndex index.html
#      DocumentRoot "/home/user/public_html/domain1.ek/public"
       ServerName domain1.ek
     ServerAlias domain1

<Directory "/home/user/public_html/domain1.ek/public">
         AllowOverride All
         Require all granted
     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
/etc/hosts has:        localhost.localdomain localhost
::1        localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6 domain1.ek

reloaded httpd
navigate in browser to http:domain1.ek  and it downloads the index.html 
to my /Downloads folder then Google finds references to that or any 
other fictitious domain, which I thought could not be real. For example 
localhost/domain1.ek errors out with:
The requested URL /index.php was not found on this server. Why would it 
look for a .php and not the index.html? I created an index.php but error 

I am in a bit of a mess here trying to get a grip on what and how.

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