Thunderbird text color -

poma pomidorabelisima at
Tue Sep 17 12:09:55 UTC 2013

This should also work.

- Create a "chrome" subdir in your Thunderbird profile dir:
$ mkdir .thunderbird/$(grep Path .thunderbird/profiles.ini | awk
'{gsub(/Path=/,""); print}')/chrome

- Create a "userContent.css" file in that subdir:
$ mousepad .thunderbird/$(grep Path .thunderbird/profiles.ini | awk
'{gsub(/Path=/,""); print}')/chrome/userContent.css

- And fill it with these two lines:
body {color: #ffffff !important; background-color: #000000 !important;}
:link {color: #ffffff !important;}

C/P commands from a "TBirdie-WoB.txt" file which is in attachment!



-------------- next part --------------

Create a "chrome" subdir in your Thunderbird profile dir:
$ mkdir .thunderbird/$(grep Path .thunderbird/profiles.ini | awk '{gsub(/Path=/,""); print}')/chrome

Create a "userContent.css" file in that subdir:
$ mousepad .thunderbird/$(grep Path .thunderbird/profiles.ini | awk '{gsub(/Path=/,""); print}')/chrome/userContent.css

And fill it with these two lines:
body {color: #ffffff !important; background-color: #000000 !important;}
:link {color: #ffffff !important;}

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