desktop/server fedora versions

Steven Stern subscribed-lists at
Wed Sep 25 16:14:36 UTC 2013

On 09/25/2013 09:54 AM, Robin Storch wrote:
> Were the core Fedora versions (up to core 7) the server versions?  Why
> are all the newer releases referred to as desktop versions?  Are there
> server versions of the new releases somewhere?

Robin:  They're all server versions if you start with the DVD -- it just
depends what you install.  If installing on a server which will be used
pretty much via SSH, there's no need to install any of the desktop packages.

That said, if you're installing this as a server for fun or for home,
then Fedora is right. If you're doing it for a production server with
revenue consequences, you'd probably be better off with CentOS 6.  You
won't have to be sweating updates every few days and big upgrades every
six months.  But, by using CentOS your Fedora knowledge (and the things
your fingers know how to type automatically) travel on the same path.

-- Steve

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