Fedora Present and Future: a Fedora.next 2014 Update (Part I, ?"Why?")

Liam Proven lproven at gmail.com
Wed Apr 2 11:56:15 UTC 2014

On 2 April 2014 11:16, Vikram Goyal <vikigoyal at gmail.com> wrote:
> I am using fedora or rather redhat based distribution since there was
> Redhat 5 ( probably in middle ninteies or something )
> As far as I can tell the disk partitioning scheme under F1/20 definetly
> needs some kind of rework to make it unambigious to users.
> The developers must understand one thing from user's perspective that:
> 1} The systems being installed are mostly dual boot having other
>    OSes &/Or partitions, already having precious data in them.
> 2} The users are always jittery if they do not fully understand where
>    the whole thing is leading to, especially in regard to partioning.
>    So a bit of more verbosity & transparency of what exactly the
>    installer is doing will go a long way in mitigating the user's
>    complaints.
> 3} Developers have built the UI & know its INs & OUTs. If they try to
>    use the UI 'as a user', it will always lead to false analysis because
>    their knowledge will always warp the UI experience & they will always
>    make the right decisions even if those decisions are the most
>    difficult. So in order to understand the UI from a User's Perspective
>    they should always listen to users & give weightage to their
>    complaints because that is exactly what the UI is delivering & not
>    what the developers are thinking.
> But then point 3 goes for all the UI in place be it installer or full
> fledged Desktop GUI. In case of installer, it just becomes a very dicey
> from the user's point of view with so much at stake & so little
> information.
> Developers must understand that even if what appears to be a very dumb
> question/complaint, it actually is not dumb but just plain ambigiousness
> in UI. Confusion mostly arises from inadequate info where decision making
> is required, which is amply available with the developers but to the
> users, due to bad UI.

I entirely concur. (Personally, the oldest version I used was Red Hat
4.2 on an old SPARCstation I used to have.)

Liam Proven * Profile: http://lproven.livejournal.com/profile
Email: lproven at cix.co.uk * GMail/G+/Twitter/Flickr/Facebook: lproven
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