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Roger arelem at
Mon Apr 7 04:05:20 UTC 2014

On 04/07/2014 01:45 PM, Tim wrote:
> Allegedly, on or about 07 April 2014, Roger sent:
>> google SEO  pre guesses what it thinks you want especially if you have
>> done  a fair bit of searching on a topic. Google works well the first
>> time but becomes rapidly restrictive, limiting a search to those
>> previous searched pages.
> Have you tried not letting it set cookies on your browser?
Yes sure did, problem is some sites won't load unless they are permitted 
to install cookies. I delete history and cookies very regularly, 
sometimes a couple of times a day.
It's a Google thing, browser cache and history exacerbate the problem. I 
have noticed that sites I have browsed are repeated at the top of Google 
search lists on entirely different computers searching the same terms, 
using the same modem/router. Where as if someone on another computer 
does the search before me or in a different browser using say IXQuick 
they have entirely different responses.
Also my daughter doing her science degree suffered the same problem 
where Google refused to find sites she knows exist, she too now uses 
IXQuick with far wider results.

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