How does the Host command query DNS?

Robert Moskowitz rgm at
Wed Apr 23 17:12:47 UTC 2014

Fedora 20 question.

I have noticed that the Host command is always returning first IPv4 
addresses, and then IPv6 addresses.  So I asked on the BIND list can got 
the following:


>/  Does bind order address class on queries?  That is does it, say, group
/>/  IPv4 addresses then IPv6?
If the query is for A records the response will contain only IPv4
addresses, if the query is for AAAA records it will be IPv6. Only if the
client performs an ANY query will the response contain both. ANY records
are not generally used by applications, because they only return what's
in the resolver's cache, which may not be all the records associated
with the name; ANY queries are usually only useful when querying
authoritative servers (unless what you're trying to find out is what's
currently in the resolver's cache).


It seems that if I change the content of my zone file, I get the new 
results so it does not appear to be working from cache.  Is Host making 
separate A then AAAA requests?  Is there a way to put priority on IPv6 
addresses for all applications?

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