help writing a service file for dropbox

Steven Stern subscribed-lists at
Sun Aug 24 15:38:40 UTC 2014

There's an init.d file for Dropbox for non-GUI servers. I'd like to use
drobpox as a way to understand systemd a little better.

In the init.d file, it pulls in a list of users from /etc/sysconfig.
I'm trying to figure out how to do something like that with a service file.

My dropbox.service file is:

cat /etc/systemd/system/dropbox.service


Description=Dropbox as a system service

# 'LANG' might be unnecessary, since systemd already sets the
# locale for all services according to "/etc/locale.conf".
# Run `systemctl show-environment` to make sure.



Ideally, I'd look at a list of users entered in a file in /etc/sysconfig
and loop through ExecStart and User for each user, substituting the user
name for "sdstern" on each.

So, pointers on how to do things like this in a .service file?

-- Steve

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