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Lars E. Pettersson lars at
Tue Dec 2 08:34:32 UTC 2014

On 12/02/14 01:00, Rahul Sundaram wrote:
> I would suggest that the thread is off the rails long time back and not
> enforcing the list guidelines and keeping the list on topic leads to us,

No, it is not "Off the rails". That you find the issue unimportant does 
not mean that others have the same view. It is also quite easy to ignore 
threads on subjects that you have no interest in, that could be a 
solution for those not interested in the subject of this thread. The 
discussion is about a component already in use in Fedora, systemd, and 
new features of it. How can this not be on-topic here?

Lars E. Pettersson <lars at>

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