how to set LC_TIME in gnome?

Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak mjc at
Thu Dec 4 16:19:40 UTC 2014

On 03/12/14 11:01 AM, Ahmad Samir wrote:
> IIUC, GNOME overrides the system-wide locale settings with it own
> values, by default it's en_US.utf-8; there are two bits that affect the
> locale settings in "gnome-control-center -> Region & Language", Language
> and "Formats"; LC_TIME is affected by the "Formats" setting, which sets
> the value of the gsettings key 'org.gnome.system.locale region' (note
> that the same value is set for LC_NUMERIC, LC_TIME, LC_MONETARY,
> You can change the default for all users using the following steps:
> - Create
> /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas/org.gnome.system.locale.gschema.override and
> put this in it:
> [org.gnome.system.locale]
> region='en_DK.utf8'
> - As root execute:
> /usr/bin/glib-compile-schemas /usr/share/glib-2.0/schemas

Thanks Ahmad, that's very helpful!

- Mike

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