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Tim ignored_mailbox at
Sun Dec 28 08:52:41 UTC 2014

Allegedly, on or about 27 December 2014, Bob Goodwin sent:
> I created a .css file using only the lines you suggest:
> {
>   color: white !important;
>   background: black !important;
> }

The asterisk is needed, too.

The syntax is the name of the HTML elements to affect, in my example an
asterisk as a wild card for them all, and the thing to do to those
elements inside the braces.

e.g. The following rules would effect everything, then one that only
affected H1 headings, then another that only affected paragraphs:

      * {color: white;}
      h1 {color: green;}
      p {color: red;}

> That seems to provide white on black although I had to select those 
> colors under Preferences? And I need the add-on "BYM" to display text 
> [in reverse video] in the web page boxes requiring entry of a
> response.

Sounds like it's not working properly, then.  According to the cascading
rules ("cascading" referring to rules applied on top of rules), your
user style sheet should have higher precedence than a browser's own
style rule set, and the website authors style rules.  And the 
"!important" keyword just stamps that in harder with a bigger hammer
(they could have used an !important style that overrided an unimportant
one of yours, but they can't override an important rule of yours).

So, a user stylesheet that says style everything this way, ought to have
the absolute last say in things.  You shouldn't have to do anything

Double-check for typing errors (word spelling and all the punctuation,
but spacing and formatting don't matter), the rules stop being applied
the moment there's a syntax error.

   color: white !important;
   background: black !important;

I've forgotten, by now, which browser you're trying to apply this too.
I've seen notes that Google Chrome is fouling this up, lately (moron
coders at Google not understanding how CSS is supposed to be done).  I
don't know if Firefox is fouling it up at the moment (and I'm using the
wrong computer to test it).

[tim at localhost ~]$ uname -rsvp
Linux 3.9.10-100.fc17.x86_64 #1 SMP Sun Jul 14 01:31:27 UTC 2013 x86_64

All mail to my mailbox is automatically deleted, there is no point
trying to privately email me, I will only read messages posted to the
public lists.

George Orwell's '1984' was supposed to be a warning against tyranny, not
a set of instructions for supposedly democratic governments.


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