gnome-shell won't start

Stephen Berg (Contractor) stephen.berg.ctr at
Tue Feb 4 11:55:48 UTC 2014

On 02/04/2014 01:23 AM, Ahmad Samir wrote:
> On 3 February 2014 19:40, Stephen Berg (Contractor) 
> <stephen.berg.ctr at 
> <mailto:stephen.berg.ctr at>> wrote:
>     I'm having a rather serious issue getting logged onto my system
>     using gnome. GDM starts, I put in user name and password and the
>     login starts but I never get a desktop loaded and usable.
> What happens exactly?
I get a black screen with a mouse cursor. Nothing else happens after 
that besides a little drive activity for a minute or so and even that 
goes away.
> As has been posted, I'd try with a new user account.
Tried a new local account on the system and was able to login with no 
problems. I'm thinking there's some bit of kruft hanging around in a dot 
file somewhere that is causing issues. But finding it is not gonna be easy.

To test I moved my home directory off to a safe location, created an 
empty home directory in it's place and tried again. I still get the 
black screen, mouse cursor and nothing else. I've looked at "journalctl 
-b" and there's plenty in there, kind of hard to track down exactly what 
is relevant and what isn't.

KDE works fine, gnome-shell for root works fine. It seems to be 
something about my account, or something in my home directory causing 
this, but I can't find what is causing this. Errors and/or warnings 
aren't jumping out at me in any of the logs. I'd like to find a way to 
get GDM and/or Gnome to log what they are doing to a specific file 
separate from any other logs. Maybe I can find something to at least get 
started with troubleshooting.

Stephen Berg
Systems Administrator
NRL Code: 7320
Office: 228-688-5738
stephen.berg.ctr at  

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