Development question

Matthew Miller mattdm at
Sat Feb 8 07:42:34 UTC 2014

On Fri, Feb 07, 2014 at 02:54:54PM -0700, CS DBA wrote:
> It seems to me that the "marriage" that Microsoft & Apple enjoy per
> hardware designed for their software gives them a huge advantage. I
> see that the Linux community is quite good at coming up with
> drivers, software, etc for hardware after the fact.
> I wonder, what could be accomplished if a Linux based distro had the
> same advantage?  I'm in the early stages of researching just such a
> company.

Well, they also have the advantage of _scale_. This means that they can
convince the people making the components to do things their way. But Linux
is big and important enough now that we generally get the same kind of
benefit from core components (e.g. CPUs), even if not from all peripherals.

What kind of benefits are you expecting?

> Thoughts?

It'd be interesting to see an ARM laptop designed for open, general Linux
rather than ChromeOS. But, overall, I think this is a difficult and
low-margin business to break into.

And there actually _are_ a few small companies trying to do this already, so
you wouldn't be first to the party.

Matthew Miller    --   Fedora Project    --    <mattdm at>

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