akmod isn't reliable

Powell, Michael Michael_Powell at mentor.com
Fri Jan 3 20:00:00 UTC 2014

> I think it is reliable, you just need to wait it out. The rebuilding of
> akmod is being done for a given kernel while that kernel is running, so
> when you update the kernel, the akmod doesn't get built until you boot
> into it. And when you boot into it, systemd will at some point try to
> activate the akmod, find out that it doesn't exist, fail, and initiate
> a rebuild.
> The rebuild takes some minutes to complete, after which it will write
> out something like:
>     Please wait, this may take some time...
>     Done.
> // I never figured why the first line isn't written *before* the build
> starts, but only after it finished, when it is completely useless... //
> Once the modules have been rebuilt, the boot will continue. Subsequent
> boots (for that kernel) will not require a rebuild and will be
> regularly short.
> HTH, :-)
> Marko

The system boot screen did indicate it was initiating / building akmods, but I may not have let it sit long enough. When I manually build the akmod it doesn't take longer than 2m and I'm almost certain I've let it sit longer at boot. If it happens again, I will test how long it sits, but for now I guess this is the best, simplest answer I could hope for. :-)

Thanks everyone

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