Stale /var/run/nologin

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at
Sun Jan 5 01:35:01 UTC 2014

About ten hours after a reboot, a chance attempt to log in back to the  
server was rather rudely rejected with a:

System is booting up. See pam_nologin(8)
Connection closed by

A quick run back to the console revealed the existence of a ten hour old  
/var/run/nologin file as the culprit. Removing it put everything back in  
working order.

As far as I can tell, the system booted normally (well, normally for F20,  
that is) so two questions remain. Anyone happen to know what's responsible  
for creating the nologin file, and, more importantly, what's responsible for  
removing it.

And on a related topic, am I the only one who thinks that having inn run  
expire, during the system boot, and having the system boot wait for expire  
to finish, is an incredibly stupid idea (that would refer to the "normally  
for F20" part)?

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