Stale /var/run/nologin

Bob Marcan bob.marcan at
Mon Jan 6 00:48:25 UTC 2014

On Sat, 04 Jan 2014 22:35:12 -0500
Sam Varshavchik <mrsam at> wrote:
> I yearn for the days of /etc/rc.d. If something strange was going on duri
> ng system boot, a carefully crafted grep inevitably digs up a bunch of scrip
> ts to sift through for the answers.
> Now, there's all kinds of flotsam all over the place. Unpredictable, non-deterministic things running in different order. Has anyone actually bothered to look at all the ugly spew on the console, during system boot?systemd barfing all over the place, whining about having to break circula
> r dependencies, multiple times, or not finding some godforsaken socket, somewhere? It's a miracle that a stable system eventually comes up at all
> , after all that.
> systemd is crap.

systemctl enable dovecot, spamassassin, amavisd, postgrey, postfix
and expect to start proper.
I hope the /etc/rc.d/rc.local will be still there.

BR, Bob

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