F20: Cisco vpn does not launch after a couple of wake-ups from hibernate

Ranjan Maitra maitra.mbox.ignored at inbox.com
Mon Jan 6 01:00:30 UTC 2014


I have been having a somewhat unusual problem after waking up from
hibernate with the Cisco VPN client. This only happens with F20 -- it
was fine till F19.

Here is what happens: I switch on the Cisco vpnui using:


The window to connect comes on and vanishes immediately. 

Not knowing what is going on, I looked at:

tail -f /var/log/messages

and here is what I get from the time  the client is asked for to the
point of vanishing:

Jan  5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui[9684]: Initializing vpnapi version
3.1.04072 (). 
Jan  5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui[9684]: Function:
loadProfiles File: ../../vpn/Api/ProfileMgr.cpp Line: 100 No profile is
Jan  5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui[9684]: Function:
getCurrentState File: ../../vpn/Api/ClientIfcBase.cpp Line: 2058 API
service not ready 
Jan  5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui[9684]: Current
Preference Settings: ServiceDisable: false CertificateStoreOverride:
false CertificateStore: All ShowPreConnectMessage: false
AutoConnectOnStart: false MinimizeOnConnect: true LocalLanAccess: false
AutoReconnect: true AutoUpdate: true ProxySettings: Native
AllowLocalProxyConnections: true PPPExclusion: Disable
PPPExclusionServerIP:  EnableScripting: false
TerminateScriptOnNextEvent: false AuthenticationTimeout: 12
IPProtocolSupport: IPv4,IPv6 AllowManualHostInput: true
BlockUntrustedServers: true PublicProxyServerAddress: Jan  5 18:55:59
alakananda acvpnui[9684]: Function: CvcGtkNotifyBalloon
File: ../../../vpn/GUI/Linux/CvcGtkNotifyBalloon.cpp Line: 87 Invoked
Function: dlopen Return Code: -33554427 (0xFE000005) Description:
libnotify.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
Jan  5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui[9684]: Function:
connectTransport File: ../../vpn/Common/IPC/SocketTransport.cpp Line:
995 Invoked Function: ::connect Return Code: 111 (0x0000006F)
Description: unknown 
Jan  5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui[9684]:
Function: connectIpc File: ../../vpn/Common/IPC/IPCTransport.cpp Line:
254 Invoked Function: CSocketTransport::connectTransport Return Code:
-31588340 (0xFE1E000C) Description: SOCKETTRANSPORT_ERROR_CONNECT 
Jan 5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui[9684]: Function:
terminateIpcConnection File: ../../vpn/Common/IPC/IPCTransport.cpp
Line: 406 Invoked Function: CSocketTransport::writeSocketBlocking
Return Code: -31588319 (0xFE1E0021) Description:
possess a valid socket handle. 
Jan  5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui [9684]: Function: initIpc
File: ../../vpn/Api/ApiIpc.cpp Line: 423 Invoked Function:
CIpcTransport::connectIpc Return Code: -31588340 (0xFE1E000C)
Jan  5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui[9684]: Function:
initiateAgentConnection File: ../../vpn/Api/ApiIpc.cpp Line: 336
Invoked Function: ApiIpc::initIpc Return Code: -31588340 (0xFE1E000C)
Jan  5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui[9684]: Function: run
File: ../../vpn/Api/ApiIpc.cpp Line: 570 Invoked Function:
ApiIpc::initiateAgentConnection Return Code: -31588340 (0xFE1E000C)
Jan  5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui[9684]: Function: attach
File: ../../vpn/Api/ClientIfcBase.cpp Line: 606 Client failed to
Jan  5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui [9684]: Function: detach
File: ../../vpn/Api/ClientIfcBase.cpp Line:438 Shutting down vpnapi 
Jan  5 18:55:59 alakananda acvpnui[9684]:
Function: activateConnectEvent File: ../../vpn/Api/ConnectMgr.cpp Line:
1352 NULL object. Cannot establish a connection at this time.

Any suggestions as to what is going wrong. I want to mention that this
is not a problem for the first couple of times the machine is woken up
from hibernation (after reboot). Also, there was not a problem with F19
(but I did go only up to the 3.11 kernel there). 

The above behavior is all with an updated F20.

Many thanks and best wishes,

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