Setting a static IP on Fedora 20

Jorge Fábregas jorge.fabregas at
Sat Jan 11 13:55:12 UTC 2014

On 01/11/2014 08:38 AM, John Aldrich wrote:
> How do I assign a static IP on Fedora 20? Network Manager won't let me do 
> that, and the command-line tools I used back in the older versions of Fedora 
> don't seem to exist any more. I want to be able to assign a static IP to my 
> Fedora box

You have a couple of methods:

# GUI #

1) gnome-control-center network
2) nm-connection-editor

4) nmcli  (you can use the interactive method to configure the network)
5) ip  (from the iproute command) but here I think you'll need to disable NM
6) manually edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-XXXX followed by:
    a)  nmcli dev disconnect
    b)  nmcli con reload
    d)  nmcli con up <YOUR-CONNECTION-NAME> that NetworkManager is aware that a change was made on the config

7) nmtui :  this is not available yet but it is coming :)


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