GNOME Shell and password prompts

Rejy M Cyriac rcyriac at
Thu Jan 23 06:23:09 UTC 2014

On 01/19/2014 04:58 PM, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
> What app is it now that prompts for passwords when Evolution decides it
> needs one reentered?
> I subscribe to a couple of gmail calendars that don't require passwords,
> yet I am prompted frequently and unpredictably to enter passwords for
> them.  The prompts are the big black popups, not the old Evolution
> popups, so I guess there is some utility that handles password requests
> for GNOME.  Then the question is, is it Evolution or the utility that
> keeps bothering me?
gnome-keyring-daemon ?


Rejy M Cyriac (rmc)

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