yum/dnf setup to download packaged after x days

Ranjan Maitra maitra.mbox.ignored at inbox.com
Thu Jan 30 02:54:06 UTC 2014


This may be a pipe wish but I was wondering if there is a way to set up
yum or dnf such that it would download and install a package that has
been in the repos for a particular number of days.

Is this at all possible? 

Why would anyone want this? I have suffered much (indeed for the first
time for the past ten years) because of the recent buggy selinux-related
rpm. I have tracked this down to my urge to keep my system updated on a
daily basis. I want to modulate this urge to only download and install
packages that have not been superseded within 3-4 days. 

Btw, I don't know if this was at all possible, but it would have been
nice if a corrective rpm was pushed to fix all all those problems that
arose with the push of the bad selinux-related package. That would have
been really helpful beacause right now, it is impossible to tell where
the problem is with regard to a particular (seemingly unrelated)
package (such as pdfnup/pdfefit, or for that matter, flash-plugin).

Many thanks and best wishes,

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