how to accurately test internet upload & download speed

J.Witvliet at J.Witvliet at
Fri Jul 11 08:29:02 UTC 2014

(Sorry for TP)
Measuring speed can be a pig.
On the net there are a bunch of sites, claiming they can do this.
However, some require that you have to install all sorts of crap-ware, you to enable eye-candy.

Furthermore, what do you need to know?
Latency or bandwidth, up-stream or down-stream?

And often you and-up measuring the weakest link in the chain, and that does not have to be your connection to your ISP.

One (!) Good way is trying to down load a reasonable large enough file from a site you know that has enough bandwidth, and fast enough storage.

Here in europe, i use, a site connected to the university network with 10Gbps

If the file you choose is to small, the measurement in inaccurate: it should take at least about a minute.

Btw, it might be handy to check routing and DNS :-)

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Van: CS_DBA [mailto:cs_dba at]
Verzonden: Thursday, July 10, 2014 05:34 PM W. Europe Standard Time
Aan: users at <users at>
Onderwerp: how to accurately test internet upload & download speed


Is there a accurate way of truly testing what upload and download speeds 
i'm getting?

I'm running Fedora 20

Thanks in advance...

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