Is this proof that systemd is completely broken?

Kevin Fenzi kevin at
Sat Jul 12 16:43:00 UTC 2014

So, I would encourage you to ask the systemd list:
for a probably more detailed answer than you might get here. 

Or... file a bug if you think you have found one.

My theory of what you are seeing revolves around the fact that
the /etc/init.d/network script is NOT a systemd unit file, it's a old
sysvinit script which systemd runs under compatibility. 


" is a target that actively waits until the nework
is "up", where the definition of "up" is defined by the network
management software"

and I think /etc/init.d/network defines "up" in a way that doesn't mean
that the interfaces have ip's and are passing packets. Just a guess.
Alternately you found a nice bug. ;) 

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