Is this proof that systemd is completely broken?

Sam Varshavchik mrsam at
Sun Jul 13 01:21:40 UTC 2014

Stephen Morris writes:

> Hi Sam,
>     I don't know anything about Systemd, nor have I read the rest of the  
> responses to this, but just looking at the logical interpretation of your  
> named-chroot.service statements it seems to me that you are requesting that

Well, technically it's not "my" named-chroot.service. This is the standard  
named-chroot RPM's service file, that it installs. You do a "yum install  
bind-chroot", that's what you'll end up getting installed.

> named-chroot.service be started after but before nss- 
> and that it needs to be active, which to me  
> seems to be a deadly embrace. Based on what I think you are saying in your  
> email I would have thought that logically your "before" statement should be  
> removed and your "after" statement should be     after  
>    , but then I am not sure how  
> systemd works.

Don't feel bad about not knowing how systemd works. You're in good company.

named-chroot.service wants to be started before because  
bind's mission in life is to provide host/IP lookups, and everything that  
requires working host/IP lookup, according to systemd.special(7), specifies  
itself to be after; so if bind is going to provide host/IP  
lookup, it needs to come up first. That makes logical sense.

But systemd's entire dependency model is headache-inducing. It naturally  
leads to impossible situations. More than once, I observed systemd spewing  
errors about circular dependencies, at system boot.

Oy, what a mess. At least today, with invaluable help from fellow sufferers,  
I think finally figured out what's wrong with the stock service files  
installed by a bunch of server RPMs, and how to work around it.

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